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Showing posts with the label why software testing is so hard?

What is software testing and why it is so hard?

What is software testing? Software testing is a process of identifying the correctness of software by considering its attributes (Reliability, Scalability, Portability, Re-usability, Usability) and evaluating the execution of software components to find the software bugs or errors, or defects . Software testing provides an independent view and objective of the software and gives surety of the fitness of the software. It involves testing of all components under the required services to confirm that whether it is satisfying the specified requirements or not. The process is also providing the client with information about the quality of the software. Testing is mandatory because it will be a dangerous situation if the software fails any of the time due to lack of testing. So, without testing software cannot be deployed to the end-user. Types of software testing Types of Software testing: Manual testing The process of checking the functionality of an application as per the customer’...